- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 568
Nota bene
To All my fellow Academic Progressive and Values-led Economists and All other Stakeholders
It is Our Responsibility and Duty to Highlight The Destructive Ways and the Falsehood of the Neoliberal, Thatcheroreagonomics and Economists
What we teach our students in the name of economics must change. It must change if it is to play a constructive role in solving the multiple and multi-dimensional crises that so engulf our world, our species, the fabric of human community, relationship, and the web of life. We are running out of time. If our field does not change, if we do not revisit the rich and fertile soil in which our field was born, that being moral philosophy amid the broader questions of human existence, meaning, and ecology, then not only will we have retreated from the chance to play a constructive role in solving these crises, we will inherit well deserved scorn and contempt. The opportunity is upon us. Let us seize it. Carpe Diem!
Calling all academic economists: What are you teaching your students?
Photo: miamiautonomyandsolidarity
People’s Tragedy: Neoliberal Legacy of Thatcher and Reagan
From Reagan to Trump and from Thatcher to Truss, these here today, gone tomorrow destroyers had one thing in common:
- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 734
Britain in Decline and The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism and Thatcherism
We Must Never Forget or Forgive the Enemies of progressivism and Progressive Values
Composite: The Guardian
The Final Outcome: The Humiliation and Caricaturisation of Neoliberalism and Thatcherism
Now it is glaringly obvious that Thatcherism and Neoliberalism, are nothing but a socio-political and an economic ideology that rewards psychopathic personality traits by inflicting inhumanity, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, pain, poverty, injustice, racism and chaos for the many, whilst facilitating thieving by the the few, for the few, and of the few. This inhumane and false ideology in turn has changed our ethics, values and our personalities, and has in the process brought out the worst in us.
The Fall and Humiliation of Liz Truss should Herald a New Beginning
Politicians in general and the Tory ministers in particular: Are You Hearing the Cries of your Constituents?
Time for Repentance and Humility. Time to Discover What it means to be Human
Time to Rebuild Trust with the British people
Enough of Decline and Humiliation, the Lies of Thatcherism to put Great back into Great Britain!
The time is Now to Wake Up to a New Beginning
- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 455
Is joyfulness really possible in a time of ruin and despair? Can we somehow flourish, have complete lives, when all around us is cold and dark? Has a sense of well-being, contentment and inner-peace become endangered species? Is joy any longer compatible or possible with the life of today?
The Aesthetics of Joy, illustration by Ingrid Fetell Lee
What is this world we have created? What is this life we are living? Look all around you. Despite so many gifts we have been given, the beautiful, awe-inspiring Mother Nature and life-giving Mother Earth, our world seems upside down. Wherever you look, mostly you see misery, injustice, despair, anger, isolation, separation, loneliness, mistrust, abuse, selfishness, carelessness, ecological degradation, wars, conflicts and suchlike.
To my mind, this is not a natural or indeed the intended state of affairs. Whoever and however this world was created, it was not meant to be a place of misery and pain, otherwise, why so many gifts of beauty and wonder?