Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)
Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative is envisioned to make a significant contribution to the effort to enhance the well-being (physical, ecological, and spiritual) of human kind by serving and promoting the common good through communication and cooperation. This will be based on the following principles:
Dialogue: Communication is the most appropriate vehicle for understanding “others,” enhancing intercultural cooperation, creating goodwill, and establishing sound international relations.
Justice: Justice is the key factor in dealing with all human relationships and activities. It is the creation of a global atmosphere in which all people are treated in a humane and just manner. Justice is not possible without a greater commitment to social justice and a more equal distribution of both income and wealth.
Sustainability: In this fast changing world of today, our choices will determine not only how we live in the short run but also how succeeding generations will live in the distant future. We must give voice and just consideration to future generations.
Ecology: Human society and human economics must also make room for other species to thrive. This also is a moral imperative.
Service: The most appropriate personal and collective actions through which we can achieve social justice and ecological integrity throughout the world.
The mission of Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative is to:
*Promote ethical, moral and spiritual values in the areas of economics, commerce, trade, international relations, ecological integrity, global media reporting and communication, as well as personal lifestyles and virtues
*Advance understanding of the policies and actions on major global issues undertaken by civil society, private enterprise, the public sector, labor unions, mass movements, governments, and national and international institutions
*Promote collaborative policy solutions to the challenges posed by globalisation
*Discuss the implications of the marketplace upon society and culture, economic and ecological issues
*Analyse and engage the problems and challenges of globalisation not merely from a materialist or an even broader economic point of view, but also from a variety of ethical and moral; spiritual, theological, and humanist perspectives and pulses.
GCGI will, therefore, commit itself to a wide range of multi-cultural activities, inquiries, and debates at the cutting-edge of scholarly activities, research and education in the field of Globalisation for the Common Good. Our emphasis is on creative yet pragmatic thinking which both engenders and reflects upon a variety of progressive perspectives on a wide range of global issues.
GCGI does not intend to espouse or defend a single discipline or paradigm, or any particular religion or ideology, but seeks instead to allow a broad, pluralistic range of viewpoints and models to be represented, compared, and ultimately synthesised into a richer understanding of the many inherently complex global systems and relationships.
GCGI seeks a sustained commitment among academics and practitioners to learn from each other, to explore new patterns of thinking together, and to facilitate the derivation and implementation of effective policies for the realization of Globalisation for the Common Good.
GCGI is committed to the idea of global cooperation and dialogue between scholars, business leaders, policy makers, opinion leaders, citizens, and NGOs. Our aim is that co-operation between researchers and leaders from varied backgrounds will lead to a more informed and balanced understanding of the behaviour, motivation and objectives of the various forces, agents and policy makers that form and shape the globalisation process.