5th Annual International Conference on
An Inter-faith Perspective on Globalisation
Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 22-25, 2006
Globalisation for the Common Good:
The Quest for Identity, Justice, and Peace
Group Photo: GCGI Hawaii Conference 2006
The 5th International Conference on Globalisation for the Common Good addresses a world quest for international understanding, dialogue, justice and peace in Asia and the Pacific. A large number of speakers and delegates from around the globe will contribute to the mission of the Conference in a unique way. Senior scholars and practitioners will apply and others are being invited to the conference as plenary and keynote speakers.
In the decade of the Pacific, the world’s attention is focused on the emerging face of globalisation in Asia and the Pacific. Our unique perspective in this place is as a bridge of cultural understanding through which we can look at economic, political, military, environmental, and religious institutions as they interact in Pacific region. Our experiences are molded in the bold heritage of the sea-faring peoples of the Pacific and their experience of autonomy and colonization, of communities imbued with beauty of song, chants, natural beauty unparalleled in the world and frustration and suffering brought by war and economic exploitation rippling across the Pacific in confrontations between the West and East in war for economic supremacy. In the past half a century the peoples of the Pacific have asserted their cultural identities, contesting for respect and attention to their needs and their unique gifts, while being buffeted by waves of commercialization and westernization.
It is beginning in this experience that our conference seeks papers, participants and insights into the effects of globalization on the peoples of the Pacific. Moving onto the shores of the great Asian continent, the conference also seeks papers on the impact on globalisation on the great cultures and economies of East Asia and India. In these global and too often troubled times, we need new perspectives and models so that we can find humane answers to the challenges of globalisation, based on a deep respect for the diversity of cultures and religions in our world community. There is a desperate need for new and practical ways of reintroducing spirituality, ethics and faith into the debate on globalisation. Asia and the Pacific present a unique experience on the phenomena of globalisation with both cultural and economic resources that challenge a singular, Western definition for the cultural and economic relations among a truly global family of nations. Even the understanding of the common good, seen through the cultural lens of Confucianism, Buddhism, Shinto, and the religions and ways of life of the peoples of the Pacific becomes a richer concept and challenge to the status quo relationships among nations today.
Globalisation for the Common Good is proud to be involved in this vital and humanitarian debate. We are also equally proud and honoured that so many dedicated and committed specialists have joined us, so that, in the interest of solidarity and comradeship, justice and peace for all, together with our sisters and brothers of these islands, in an international conference in middle of the Pacific, we can share our research and develop a community of discourse on how best to move forward.