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The 6th Annual International Conference on an
Inter-faith Perspective on Globalisation for the Common Good
“A Non-violent Path to Conflict resolution and Peacebuilding”

Istanbul, Turkey
The City of Understanding and Reconciliation between East and West

5-9 July 2007

With Post-Conference
optional tour to


Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative, greatly acknowledges the kind support and sponsorship of our 6th Annual Conference by Department of Public Administration, Fatih University, Istanbul


Wednesday 4th July
Arrival, transfer to hotel and registration

Thursday 5th July
7.00-7.45      Breakfast
8.00              Depart- Fatih University (Coaches provided)
9.00-12.00    Opening Ceremony and the Keynote Lectures (Conference Hall)
9.00-9.10      Welcome address, 
Prof. Dr. Oguz Borat
9.10-9.20      A short DVD introduction to Fatih University
9.20-9.35      Globalisation for the Common Good
Dr. Kamran Mofid
9.35-10.00    Sufi Music and Sema
(Sacred, Mystical and Spiritual Music)
10.00-10.10   A short break            
(Keynote Lectures)
10.10-10.40   Difference is Beautiful
Dr. Alparslan Acikgenc
10.40-11.10   The Quest for Justice and Peace:
Contributions of Islam to Peace building and Conflict Resolution
Dr. Wilfried A. Hofmann
11.10-11.40   Alliance of World Religions to Promote Pro-active Social Spirituality
Swami Agnivesh
11.40-12.10   Questions
12.10-13.30   Lunch
13.30-15.00   Plenary Session (1) (Conference Hall)
Mobilizing for a Global Marshall Plan: A Path to Conflict resolution,
Peace Building and Human Security
Chair: Jim Kenney
13.30-13.50   Human security and the Global Marshall Plan

James B. Quilligan
13.50-14.10   Kant’s Utopian Imperative and the Global Marshall Plan Initiative
Dr. Bruce Matthews
14.10-14.30   How to reach a Planetary Consciousness through a Global Marshall Plan
Frithjof Finkbeiner
14.30-15.00   Questions
15.00-15.30   Tea and move to Concurrent sessions
15.30-17.30   Concurrent Sessions

Session 1 Transforming Globalisation-Engaging Religions:
(Room  A306) An Islamic Perspective
Chair: Cemal Usak
15.30-15.50   Pseudo Religiosity in a Global Context: A Muslim Perspective
Dr. Irfan Ahmad Khan
15.50-16.10   Exit the veil, enter freedom and autonomy?
Shamim Samani
16.10-16.30   Islamic Peace Paradigm and Islamic Peace Education;
The Study of Islamic Non-violence in Post-September 11 World
Drs. Sezai Ozcelik and Ayse Dilek Ogretir
16.30-16.50   The Islamic Perspective of Coexistence in time of Globalisation
Mohamad Iwhida Ahmed
16.50-17.30   Questions
Session 2 Peace Education and Spirituality Transforming Globalisation
(Room A 351)      Chair: Dr. Omer Caha
15.30-15.50   Conflict Resolution through Scholarly Exchange:
The Role of the American Institute of Iranian studies
Dr. Erica Ehrenberg
15.50-16.10   A Holistic, Integrative view of Peace based on Evolving
Views of Peace and Non-violence
Prof. Linda Groff
16.10-16.30   In the Service of Peace: service-Learning as International Diplomacy
Dr. Margaret Brabant
16.30-16.50   Globalisation and a Mathematical Journey
Dr. Eiko Tyler
16.50-17.30   Questions
Session 3 Waging Peace: Religion-Based Peacemaking (1)
(Room A 204)      Chair: Dr. Kamran Mofid
15.30-15.50   Religion in Public Life
Rev. Dr. Alan Race
15.50-16.10   Re-understanding Religion as a Source of Peace-Making 
Mustafa Akyol
16.10-16.30   The Three Poisons: A Buddhist Perspective on Globalisation
For the Common Good
Andrew Wicking
16.30-16.50   A Non-violent Path to Conflict Resolution and Peace Building:
The Significance of Shri Shri Mohandas Gandhi Ji’s Ethic of
Ahimsa for the Common Good
Dr. Ruwan Palapathwala
16.50-17.30   Questions
Session 4 Ethics, Morality and Globalisation
(Room A 235)      Chair: Dr. Ibrahim Ozdemir

15.30-15.50    Religion and Ethics,
Seyed Mohammad Ali Abtahi
15.50-16.10    Basic Values of Ethics in Islam relating to Peace
Prof. Dr. Kenan Gursoy     Emphasis on Teaching Ethics in Business Schools:
Experience in the US Higher Education
Prof. Jamshid Damooei
16.30-16.50    Wish for others what you wish for yourself:
Applying Universal Ethical Values in Our Lives
Prof. Dr. Omer Faruk Harman
16.50-17.30    Questions
19.00-Late      Dinner (Venue to be announced)

Friday 6th July
7.00-7.30       Breakfast
7.45               Depart- Fatih University (Coaches provided)
8.00-10.30      Plenary Session (2) (Conference Hall)
Mass Media, Global Communication and Peacemaking
Chair: Rev. Dr. Alan Race
8.00-8.20        Intercultural Communication and International relations in
the age of Globalisation
Prof. Yahya R. Kamalipour
8.20-8.40        Globalisation and Communication: Reflections and Challenges
Christopher Kosovich
8.40-9.00         Developing Non-violent Communication:
An Integral Approach
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Havva Kok
9.00-9.20         Mass Media as an Instrument in Educational Counterterrorism
Dr. Irena Chiru
9.20-10.30       Questions
10.30-11.00     Tea

11-00-13.00     Plenary Session (3) (Conference Hall)
Religions, Dialogue, Peace and Conflict Resolution
Chair: Prof. Ruwan Palapathwala
11.00-11.20     Inter-Civilisational Dialogue as a Path to Conflict Transformation
Prof. Joseph A. Camilleri
11.20-11.40     Global Multiculturalism versus the “War of Cultures”
Prof. Ada Aharoni
11.40-12.00     Religion, Identity, and Violence
Jim Kenney
12.00-12.20     Three Faiths Forum: A Path to Peace Building
Sidney Shipton
12.20-13.00     Questions
13.00- 14.30    Lunch and move to Concurrent Sessions

14.30-16.30     Concurrent Sessions
Session 1 Waging Peace: Religion-Based Peacemaking (2)
(Room A 306)    Chair: Sidney Shipton
14.30-14.50     Islam’s Contributions to Non-violent Conflict Resolution
Prof. Dr. Bekir Karliga
14.50-15.10     The Tradition of Milal and Nihal for Peaceful Coexistence
Prof. Dr. Sinasi Gunduz
15.10-15.30     Dialogue and Cooperation: How to Stop Religions be Used for
Violent Ends
Prof. Dr. Mahmut Aydin
15.30-15.50     Globalisation of Civil Society: Turkish Case
Zuhal Unalp Cepel
15.50-16.30    Questions

Session 2 Security and Peace: A Socio-political/Economic and
(Room A 351)   Cultural Perspective
Chair: James Quilligan
14.30-14.50     The Arrow that pierced Duality: From Dualism to Holism-Cultivating a
Culture of Peace in the “First World”
Mayumi Futamura
14.50-15.10     The Past as a Mirror: Globalisation and Bioarchaelogy in the New
Erica Tyler
15.10-15.30     The UN Force in Cyprus as the Psychiatrist of Global
Governmentality on the “Dangerous” Cypriot Community
Nejdan Yildiz
15.30-15.50     Education for Security in Romania: Surveillance on Young People
Dr. Ella Ciuperca
15.50-16.30     Questions

Session 3 Inter-faith Dialogue, International Mediation and Conflict
(Room A 235)    Resolution
Chair: Dr. Jamshid Damooei
14.30-14.50      A False Dawn? The Oslo Peace accord as a case Study of
International Mediation, Conflict Resolution and Religious
Dr. Orna Almog
14.50-15.10      Inter-religious Research as a Resource for Conflict Resolution:
Demonstrated in the case of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem
Yoav Frankel
15.10-15.30      Harmonious Living: The Co-creation of Happiness, Harmony and
Minimal Harm in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan
Dr. Ross McDonald
15.30-15.50      Economic and Socio-cultural Impact of Nepalese Internal Armed
Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods
Chakra Raj Ojha
15.50-16.30      Questions

Session 4 Business, Philisophy and Law in the age of Globalisation
(Room A 235)         Chair: Dr. Erica Ehrenberg

14.30-14.50       Diaspora Jewish Philanthropic Involvement in Israel’s Arab Sector:
An Exploratory Study of an Emerging Trend
Dr. Raviv Schwartz
14.50-15.10       The Dilemma of Hudud and International Human Rights:
Proposing a Benevolent Mechanism
Dr. Shahrul Mizan Ismail
15.10-15.30       A Sustainability Agenda for Intellectual Property and Indigenous
Dr. Dora Marinova
15.30-15.50        Access to Medicine and Intellectual property Rights
Dr. Abdulkadir Civan
15.50-16.30        Questions
Session 5 Philosophical, Spiritual, Psychological aspects of Peace& Justice
(Conference Hall)       Chair: Prof. Ada Aharoni
14.30-14.50        Rediscovering the Sense and role of Common Good in the
Globalised Society
Fr. Dr. Lorenz Festin
14.50-15.10        From Rawls to a Worldwide Welfare System:
A Philosophical Draft of what would be a Just Global Redistribution
Frank Tillmann
15.10-15.30       The Psychological Aspects of Peace
Dr. Bahman Dadgostar
15.30-15.50       Global Consciousness and Spirituality
Gyandev Becceea
15.50-16.30        Questions
19.00-Late         Dinner (Venue to be announced)

Saturday 7th July
7.00-7.45          Breakfast
8.00                  Depart for all day tour of Istanbul
19.00-Late         Dinner (Venue to be announced)

Sunday 8th July
7.00-7.30           Breakfast
7.45                   Depart-Fatih University (Coaches provided)

8.30-10.30         Open Forum and Closing of the Conference
(Conference Hall) Chairs: Dr. Kamran Mofid, Dr. Sammas Salur, Cemal Usak, Dr.
Alparslan Acikgenc, Prof. Joseph Camilleri
A Reflection on the Conference and Invitation to Melbourne

(Globalisation for the Common Good 2008)

10.30                 Pick up lunch boxes and depart for the airport- Post conference tour, or
going home